De la musique débile
On veut faire de la musique, mais de manière vraiment stupide : on a renoncé à la chose intelligente à la seconde où on a revêtu nos costumes.
L'esthétique serait à la croisée de la dance, des musiques des Balkans avec une énergie festive, et la volonté d'un renouvellement du mauvais goût.

Au départ, le théâtre de rue
En 2020, la compagnie Théâtre des Monstres lance BÊTES, un concept de spectacle itinérant. Le public est entrainé dans une transhumance, un parcours durant lequel il croise d'étranges bêtes.
Puis tous (public et bêtes) se retrouvent sur un même lieu pour la seconde partie en fixe.
Le spectacle est un cheminement, un parcours vers ce but, à travers un rituel à accomplir ensemble, inspiré de traditions païennes et ancestrales, de rituels de carnaval hauts en couleurs.
Le groupe de 4 musiciens accompagne la déambulation de leurs voix, percussions improbables et bêtises en tous genres, puis initient la célébration finale sur scène.
C'est la musique issue de ce spectacle que nous voulons faire vivre.

Trailer réalisé à Châlon dans la rue 2023
Titres enregistrés en octobre 2023 par Robin Mory au studio Triphon à Dijon
Les musiciens

Benoît Graindorge began his oboe studies at the Dijon CRR in 2000. His interest in the "orchestral" instrument quickly led him to diversify: he followed writing and chamber music classes, he began to learn the piano, cello and percussion. He successively obtained the DEM for musical training, oboe and direction of instrumental ensembles, the CFEM for chamber music ...
He is currently pursuing his studies in orchestral conducting at the Pole Supérieur de Musique de Paris Boulogne Billancourt with Nicolas Brochot, where he had the opportunity to conduct several professional groups such as the Orchestra of the Guardians of the Peace.
He is also currently conductor and choir director at the Houilles conservatory.

Benoît Graindorge began his oboe studies at the Dijon CRR in 2000. His interest in the "orchestral" instrument quickly led him to diversify: he followed writing and chamber music classes, he began to learn the piano, cello and percussion. He successively obtained the DEM for musical training, oboe and direction of instrumental ensembles, the CFEM for chamber music ...
He is currently pursuing his studies in orchestral conducting at the Pole Supérieur de Musique de Paris Boulogne Billancourt with Nicolas Brochot, where he had the opportunity to conduct several professional groups such as the Orchestra of the Guardians of the Peace.
He is also currently conductor and choir director at the Houilles conservatory.

Benoît Graindorge began his oboe studies at the Dijon CRR in 2000. His interest in the "orchestral" instrument quickly led him to diversify: he followed writing and chamber music classes, he began to learn the piano, cello and percussion. He successively obtained the DEM for musical training, oboe and direction of instrumental ensembles, the CFEM for chamber music ...
He is currently pursuing his studies in orchestral conducting at the Pole Supérieur de Musique de Paris Boulogne Billancourt with Nicolas Brochot, where he had the opportunity to conduct several professional groups such as the Orchestra of the Guardians of the Peace.
He is also currently conductor and choir director at the Houilles conservatory.

Benoît Graindorge began his oboe studies at the Dijon CRR in 2000. His interest in the "orchestral" instrument quickly led him to diversify: he followed writing and chamber music classes, he began to learn the piano, cello and percussion. He successively obtained the DEM for musical training, oboe and direction of instrumental ensembles, the CFEM for chamber music ...
He is currently pursuing his studies in orchestral conducting at the Pole Supérieur de Musique de Paris Boulogne Billancourt with Nicolas Brochot, where he had the opportunity to conduct several professional groups such as the Orchestra of the Guardians of the Peace.
He is also currently conductor and choir director at the Houilles conservatory.