Composition: Benoit Graindorge and Pierre-Olivier Fernandez
Management: Benoit Graindorge
Ecology is no longer a business of alarmist and isolated scientists, a whim of a few marginal and enlightened wealthy people, nor an intrigue of old people nostalgic for a more bucolic era.
We are no longer there.
Ecology has gone in a few years from dull and crude sermons to a major issue which is today at the heart of the concerns of many of us, and which will become more and more decisive for the future of humanity.
We wanted to talk about it, and we chose to approach this subject in the form of a series of auditory pieces that describe the different climaxes, i.e. biomes at their final stage of development, in ecological balance, which no longer exists. would not have undergone human intervention. This new creation is a work in six parts, six musical biomes, six different colors with their share of reality, but also of fantasy and imagination.
To make the words more readable for the viewer, we will mix music and sound materials from television or radio media. The evocative power of the latter plunges the listener into a concrete perception of the exposed painting, a pictorial and tangible reality, that the score will sometimes come to reinforce and often to shake.
It is not a question here of a political speech, nor of an environmentalist injunction, but only to take a look - obliquely - on a world which is slipping through our fingers, to pay homage to what is disappearing. This will be our Musical Eden Project.

Composition, arrangements and electric guitar: Jérémy Chmielarz
This project was born from a collaboration between the Oblique ensemble and the KuB Company . The desire of the Oblique ensemble to lead creative projects at the crossroads of symphonic music and contemporary music, and the objective of the KuB Company to develop artistic projects, in particular through the creation of musical pieces and the collaboration with d other ensembles, enabled this meeting and this initial project: three pieces composed or arranged especially for the Oblique ensemble.
The composer: Jérémy Chmielarz
Born in Saint Etienne in 1988, Jérémy Chmielarz is a guitarist, composer and teacher. For several years, he has collaborated with various artists as a guitarist and arranger, in particular with the author / composer Raphaël Herrerias. In 2011, he founded the electric quartet Architektone which in 2013 gave birth to the show “Bubble (s)”.

The wait / Spinning / A son of God / A million years / The orchard with the little ones / In the distance the coast / The shadows
Arrangements: Pierre-Olivier Fernandez
Management: Benoit Graindorge
Bastien LALLEMANT was born in 1972. As a child, he studied music and started playing the guitar at the age of 14. In 1994, he participated in the group "Les Joueurs de Biques" with which he produced three albums, and gave some 300 concerts in France. He then writes his first songs.
First signed on the label Tôt ou Tard, Bastien released two albums: Les premiers instants in 2003, then Erotics in 2005, produced by Albin de la SIMONE, and with the participation of Bertrand BELIN. It is also the meeting with JP NATAF and Jeanne CHERHAL on the occasion of the disc Rather early, rather late .
Then The Orchard will appear in 2010 (Quai de scène / Acousti / L'Autre Distribution) inspired by the noir novel, collection of twelve songs in the style of short stories. The disc is unanimously hailed by the critics.
Since 2011, he has collaborated with the cartoonist and comic book author, Charles BERBÉRIAN for "drawn concerts". Bastien LALLEMANT also writes and performs music for readings. He has collaborated with Denis PODALYDES, Arnaud CATHRINE, François MOREL, Eric CARAVACA, or even Hypolite GIRARDOT. And more recently A wolf for man by and with Brigitte GIRAUD.

Bethlehem Cruciatus / My pop song
Soloist: Olivier Bernard, tenor saxophone
Management: Benoit Graindorge
Born in 1972, Olivier Urbano, began music in 1980 with the musette accordion, then the guitar in several rock groups. In 1990 he began classical studies and obtained a license in musicology and a DEM in writing, analysis and orchestration in the class of Jean-François ZYGEL.
Bethlehem Cruciatus
It was following the unexpected meeting between Émilien DODEMAN, at the time conservatory guardian, and Olivier URBANO that the work was born, fruit of the unification of their musical styles: the fusion of symphonic music and electronic music in this clarinet concerto.
Rearranged today for OBLIQUE for saxophonist Olivier BERNARD and keyboard / bass / drums trio, Bethlehem Cruciatus gives birth to something strange and bewitching with this powerful evocation of the Israeli-Palestinian war, between Yiddish music and contemporary jazz.
My pop song
“I was influenced both by the motorism of the rhythmic writing of John ADAMS or Steve REICH, by the long ranges of imperturbable diatonism of Arvo PÄRT and by the sweet nostalgia interspersed with the optimism of Radiohead. We say of the pop wave of the 2000s that it was "uninhibited". This is how I would gladly qualify this music. "

The wait / Spinning / A son of God / A million years / The orchard with the little ones / In the distance the coast / The shadows
Arrangements: Pierre-Olivier Fernandez
Management: Benoit Graindorge
Bastien LALLEMANT was born in 1972. As a child, he studied music and started playing the guitar at the age of 14. In 1994, he participated in the group "Les Joueurs de Biques" with which he produced three albums, and gave some 300 concerts in France. He then writes his first songs.
First signed on the label Tôt ou Tard, Bastien released two albums: Les premiers instants in 2003, then Erotics in 2005, produced by Albin de la SIMONE, and with the participation of Bertrand BELIN. It is also the meeting with JP NATAF and Jeanne CHERHAL on the occasion of the disc Rather early, rather late .
Then The Orchard will appear in 2010 (Quai de scène / Acousti / L'Autre Distribution) inspired by the noir novel, collection of twelve songs in the style of short stories. The disc is unanimously hailed by the critics.
Since 2011, he has collaborated with the cartoonist and comic book author, Charles BERBÉRIAN for "drawn concerts". Bastien LALLEMANT also writes and performs music for readings. He has collaborated with Denis PODALYDES, Arnaud CATHRINE, François MOREL, Eric CARAVACA, or even Hypolite GIRARDOT. And more recently A wolf for man by and with Brigitte GIRAUD.

Game: Hélèna Lopez de la Torre and Simon Anxolabéhère - cie Anxo
Technique: Julien Lanaud
Composition: Pierre-Olivier Fernandez
Soloist: Violette Amiot, marimba
Management: Maxime Pitois
What could be more surprising, after the first musical notes, than to see a gigantic soap bubble rise from the orchestra?
Then to discern, among the musicians, someone standing at arm's length, in a perilous balance, in his chair?
Suddenly a juggler, in a spin, takes the place of the chef, and begins a tango as frenzied as it is offbeat!
Then a fireworks display begins: the orchestra, under a fairy rain of bubbles, is caught between two fires: the two circus artists have a blast, and the ardor of their games shakes everything. little world a little too wise ...

The wait / Spinning / A son of God / A million years / The orchard with the little ones / In the distance the coast / The shadows
Arrangements: Pierre-Olivier Fernandez
Management: Benoit Graindorge
Bastien LALLEMANT was born in 1972. As a child, he studied music and started playing the guitar at the age of 14. In 1994, he participated in the group "Les Joueurs de Biques" with which he produced three albums, and gave some 300 concerts in France. He then writes his first songs.
First signed on the label Tôt ou Tard, Bastien released two albums: Les premiers instants in 2003, then Erotics in 2005, produced by Albin de la SIMONE, and with the participation of Bertrand BELIN. It is also the meeting with JP NATAF and Jeanne CHERHAL on the occasion of the disc Rather early, rather late .
Then The Orchard will appear in 2010 (Quai de scène / Acousti / L'Autre Distribution) inspired by the noir novel, collection of twelve songs in the style of short stories. The disc is unanimously hailed by the critics.
Since 2011, he has collaborated with the cartoonist and comic book author, Charles BERBÉRIAN for "drawn concerts". Bastien LALLEMANT also writes and performs music for readings. He has collaborated with Denis PODALYDES, Arnaud CATHRINE, François MOREL, Eric CARAVACA, or even Hypolite GIRARDOT. And more recently A wolf for man by and with Brigitte GIRAUD.
Game: Hélèna Lopez de la Torre and Simon Anxolabéhère - cie Anxo
Technique: Julien Lanaud
Composition: Pierre-Olivier Fernandez
Soloist: Violette Amiot, marimba
Management: Maxime Pitois
What could be more surprising, after the first musical notes, than to see a gigantic soap bubble rise from the orchestra?
Then to discern, among the musicians, someone standing at arm's length, in a perilous balance, in his chair?
Suddenly a juggler, in a spin, takes the place of the chef, and begins a tango as frenzied as it is offbeat!
Then a fireworks display begins: the orchestra, under a fairy rain of bubbles, is caught between two fires: the two circus artists have a blast, and the ardor of their games shakes everything. little world a little too wise ...
Déroulé de la séance :
Présentation interactive des instruments : seuls, par pupitres, par familles, à travers des extraits.
Explication du rôle du chef : à quoi sert-il ? Comment agit-il sur l’orchestre ?
Ecoute d’un extrait de notre répertoire : que s’y passe-t-il ? Quelles sont les images qui sont évoquées ? Par quels moyens ?
Mini atelier de musique concrète : les participants sont sollicités et guidés pour la construction d’une ambiance sonore, sous la direction du chef d’orchestre.
Ecoute du morceau entier : Les participants sont invités à se répartir dans l’orchestre, où des chaises vides auront été disposées. Ils auront alors une écoute plus active, et se dirigeront vers les instruments avec lesquels ils ont le plus d'affinité.